28 December 2012

mandatory family fun!

thanksgiving turkey trot!

keiki dash...

all the kids getting ready!

love my little racer!

my sweet boy!

doing so well!

running so fast!

the five of us!

and the rest of us!

my parents working hard in the kitchen!

almost done!!!

dinner time...

really good friends!!!

wow... i am a month behind.  but we had a great thanksgiving!!!  and today starts david's post deployment/Christmas vacation!!  whoo hoo!  we have two weeks worth of fun planned for the fam.  it's the first time he's taken time off and we have just been us with nothing to do.  guess who's excited??

we are in a stage.  a messy stage.  caused by diarrhea.  and i am sick of seeing it.  and smelling it.  and cleaning it up.  but, i keep telling myself, it's just a stage.  and this, too, shall pass.  i am so thankful for my children who can do this (just wish they'd do it less!).  not sure i am going miss this part of this stage of life we are in... but i am going to miss this age!

i also am overwhelmed by the amount of laundry in my life right now.  yes, some of it is part of this stage.  the poopy stage.  but, some of it is that i have five people to do laundry for.  when chris was a baby, and we were just getting used to it, d was still home.  then he left, and chris got messier.  and now, chris is bigger, d is home, and laundry seems to have exponentially exploded!  again, love this stage... my hubby is home.  my three kids are growing.  but, i feel like i could do laundry all day and never be caught up!

and quite honestly, there are things i want to do other than laundry.  like go to the beach.  every day.  (which we have been doing.  and it's wonderful!!)

i sound like i am whining.  i really don't mean to (except about the poop...).  just a realization.  and trying to live in the moment!!!

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