25 March 2012

it's my party...

wow... three years ago today, this baby boy was born...

his sweet, turned in, feet.  such a snuggly little boy...

mid-run today.  i love watching him run.  there is just something about it.  and, he's still quite snuggly...  but i think that has something to do with daddy leaving.  and i am not complaining.  i LOVE his snuggles...

at the splash park with friends for cupcakes...

it was just a boys and mom day...  


this is nora's leg.  (she told me she wanted this pic deleted.  but i asked if i could put it on the blog.  she said, "if you want to".)  needless to say, her rash is worse...

can you see how RED her face is?  it matches her shirt!!!  she felt great, but looked awful this morning.  now she feels awful, too.  after talking to a few moms this morning, i am reneging my "amox rash" determination.  it appears it is the end of whatever viral upper respiratory infection she had.  so, she is itchy and stuffy again.  poor thing...

james:  he can spell his name!  and is obsessed with finding "j's" everywhere.  he loves all things "cars", and is all boy.  but, he is the first to notice if i painted my toes.  or comment on my jewelry.  or tell me how beautiful i am!  he reminds me of david's cousins...  they are such polite boys, such great men, but they notice things that make girls happy...  hopefully james turns out just like that!

james loves his mommy.  he still has a bit of separation anxiety.  he doesn't like to leave me, or be left out of anything!  but, he doesn't cry anymore.  he just needs a hug and kiss.  and as for the being left out...  nora was on amox, and james kept asking for some, too.  he kept saying, "see, i have a cough, too".  and when i said it wasn't just about the cough, he said, "see, look in my mouth.  i have lungs.  i need some, too".  poor thing... i wanted to give him some just to make him happy (i didn't!!).  

he's all boy...  you say "don't touch", and he reaches out and says, "i touched".  he pushes limits, but is usually also the first to respond with a "yes mommy".  he's just so sweet!  i love this boy!  i am so thankful that he's mine...  happy boy, sweet baby james!

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