david's holiday leave started on tuesday. we woke up late tuesday morning, and i was so thankful that he was there to help!!! he got the kids ready while i did lunches and breakfasts. then, we dropped the kids off at school. and had a GLORIOUS morning! we went to breakfast, and took a pic where we usually stand to watch his ship pull in and out. (it was fun to bottle that up... knowing that we will be waving good-bye soon!)
then, we went downtown and walked around the big mall. it was so fun to hear the music and see the decorations. (and... my hubby, of his own free will, walked me into a jewelry store FIRST!) we got some "santa" gifts for the kids. and had a great morning!!!

this boy blows my mind! here he is eating a taco! loving it! and he is OBSESSED with salsa. (he gets mad when i steal his!!!) i love it! and today he went to town on some guac!!!

not to be out done. she was less of a fan, and has her daddy's taste buds. a little more bland for now!

she wanted to snuggle up with daddy all week... last night, we had a family movie night and watched "cars 2".

cutting out letters for christopher's room...

the final project for christopher's room... his wall letters. i found the tutorial here... it might have been another website first, but she directed me back there. ironed on to my wall. david wasn't so sure what to think... and was quite impressed when our test peeled right off! (and i only almost burned him once!!!)
another fabric "scrap" project... a pillow to match!
it's been a fun two days of david's leave so far! i have gotten to chat with some friends, gotten a LOT done, and spent quality time with my best friend! this morning was the beach. i actually remembered to take the video cam this morning... and will post those soon!!
today, the kids had their "sibling" class. it was marginal, but they had fun! they diapered a few babies and got to walk around the hospital. i think nora actually got a little bit out of it, and it was perfect for her. i knew jamey was a little small for it, but david was there, so if j had to leave, we could (he didn't... and was WONDERFULLY well behaved. so much better than the other 2 year old boy... love when we have good days!!!)
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