"knee deep in the water somewhere". i told david today that i love my paradise he's given me. and that i get to spend most days "knee deep".

promo #1... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new 31 bag. it fits EVERYTHING. instead of two or three bags, it all goes into one. I LOVE IT!!! (it's the large utility bag. amazing!!! and not expensive!!!)

promo #2 and 3... my awesome german chopper thing. i got it for Christmas. it's amazing... and it's MY basil! from my garden!

my chopper chopped everything. the onion. the tomatoes. the peppers. it was SO EASY!!!
i spent a lot of time in the kitchen today. chocolate chip cookies for a picnic tomorrow...
but sadly, i used up the last of my favorite salt. i could cry!!! there are a few things i miss from TJ's that i just can't find substitutes for yet. but, i get to be "knee deep"...
i forgot to mention with the froyo the other day. they pack it on ice. when it's to go. for anyone. at no charge. the grocery stores do the same thing. it's CRAZY!!! i mean, they don't do it in ohio when it's 115* and 99% humidity. here it's only 85*. awesome!
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