14 August 2011

last thoughts...

a few more thoughts. i was trying to sleep. but can't!

jamey won't get out of his bed until i go in to get him (or sissy...). i went in the other day and he said, "oh, i get out of bed now". and if he hears me talking about him crying in bed (since he sits there and calls for me until i go in... or cries for 30 seconds after i put him down), he says, laughing, "i say, "mommy, mommy". " awesome.

but, wonderfully, he doesn't get out of bed!!! shh... nobody tell him!

there was something else. i've forgotten it now. i'll shut the computer, roll over, and remember it. i am sure of it!

my boyfriend has moved back in. david will be sad to come back and find out! (david calls my body pillow, my "boyfriend". it takes up a lot of the bed!)

nora was so cute wanting to use my camera today! what a fun kid. oh, and she asked (no this wasn't what i was going to say...), "why do we only see the sun at day and the moon and stars at night? do they turn?" umm... "go ask your dad"!!!

jamey will pick up anything resembling a phone and "call" daddy. and say, "hello daddy. i love you. i miss you. bye.". it's so sweet! did i mention that the other day, he asked for daddy and was so sad. i realized we could call david's phone to hear his voice on voicemail. jamey got SO. EXCITED! then, realized it wasn't actually daddy, and got so sad, saying, "he's not there".

back to bed now! night...

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