a new hat... she looks like she's trying to be a gangsta...
but she really likes her hat (it fits me!! i think i want it!). i made it from an umbrella that broke, but i loved the pattern to much to get rid of...

swimming lessons. this might be me trying to cajole him into doing what we are supposed to be doing. oh wait, that's every picture!
at least he'll (kinda) smile!

swimming after the ducky...
he really can do a pretty decent job of swimming... if he'll let go of me long enough!
probably screaming, "NO"!
sweet boy... he's quite the mama's boy right now. as mentioned, he LOVES to snuggle. daddy just put him to bed and i didn't hear a peep. and he did it in less than 30 seconds. i do it, and he always begs for another song. and no matter how many "another songs" he gets, he still screams when i put him in bed.
for nap today i was singing to him. he asked for "when peace" ("it is well with my soul") first. then, i asked what he wanted next, and he asked for "chase". i offered up some of our usuals, but he only wanted "chase". i couldn't figure it out. and he was getting annoyed. finally, i got it... he wanted me to sing "amazing grace".
i also love how he still grabs for your chin to turn your head when he's talking and really wants you to listen. i struggle with the thought of leaving them (still) in the childcare at the gym. they really enjoy it and i do too! there's nothing wrong with it, and working out in the morning makes the most sense. i just feel a little guilty! (imagine if i was working...) but i realized today that it probably is the best thing for jamey. he rarely cries anymore when i leave him somewhere, and i think he would be even more a mama's boy if i never left him!!!
today, i was uploading pics and he wanted "up". i picked him up and he sat on my lap. and then squatted and said, "down". then stood back up and said, "up". it went on for a few minutes. he was so proud of himself!!!
he has also joined nora's bandwagon of loving peppers! whoo-hoo! i am glad that they can enjoy crudites as a snack!
phew... that's a lot... but there you go.
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