i love this man! i am so thankful he loves to take me away for weekends!!! enough said.

a spot (i think??- uncle fred) i know so well... we stood here, or very close to here for so many years, enjoying the macy's day parade. i can't wait for my kids to enjoy it!

the weirdest store entrance ever! this random glass square, with stairs going down to the apple store. SO COOL!! i LOVE all things apple...

this picture doesn't really capture the ridiculousness of this foosball table. it was all barbies. and pink. and AWESOME. and, only cost $25,000. and, something like only 10 were made.
can you tell i feel a little awkward? i was trying not to push the little 3 year olds out of the way to get my picture. but, how cool is that??? (on the big piano at fao...)

david and the lego man...
notice the cute bag... made by me! it ended up being so wonderful to carry through the city! (not that i am bragging...)
i think i won mother of the year award today. started with a mimosa and ended up with losing my son in my house and finding him with a tampon applicator. awesome. (one did not have an effect on the other... i promise!) it was just not my day. we were all a little cranky. but through it all (when i found jamey hiding another time), i told him he was a stink pot. he kept walking around saying, "stink. POT!"
nora told me today that when she is as tall as auntie sarah, she can watch "the lizard of oz", and see dora-thief. and jamey FINALLY cried when daddy put him to bed! (i shouldn't be happy. i am just glad it's not just me!) it strikes me daily how big the kids are getting. nora asked me today if i remembered when she got sick at mom-mom's and had to sleep in her sleeping bag (cause i thought it would be easier to clean up), and she didn't spit (throw up) in the pan, and she got to watch a show. seriously, the stuff this kid remembers!! i love her! and the boy...
i get to fly home for the weekend... for a certain bridal shower. and hang out with my family. just me. something i haven't done in five years. wow... i can't wait! (i do think i will miss the fam, though!)
I nearly laughed out loud at the "mother of the year" comment. So glad you guys had fun in NYC! hugs and love!
shell, you look like k kardashian!!! she just took the sam pic on the piano in US weekly! just thought you'd like to know. missed you at the shower
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