16 October 2010


a snack in the kitchen!

stuff collected from house and set out for them...

all the paper used to wrap our stuff... made a wonderful pile to jump in! guess who loved it most??? daddy!!

he got quite whiny while mom and i tried to clean and unpack the kitchen. after trying to appease him, mom put him on the box. kept him happy for a good half hour!!! awesome!!! why are boxes the best form of childhood entertainment?

behind the washer and dryer after they were moved. awesome!

i might have mentioned that i started this devotional in july. it's a 31-day thing. i am on day 23. you can see how well it's going! actually, i LOVE it! and, it's been so cool. i hit things on certain days that are OVERWHELMINGLY appropriate to that day.

like today... i just moved across country and know one other person. kind of. and i like people! it's been a little anxiety-inducing. and, i have been reminding myself that God is in control and we are exactly where we are supposed to be. but, today in my study, we read Rev. 4. it talks about the throneroom of God. the throne is described and everything else in the room is described in relation to the throne.

the author then points out that "nothing stands alone because nothing can be understood apart from its relationship to the One on the throne.... He never abdicates His authority nor resigns His role as Sovreing Ruler over heaven and earth...Your life, your family... your circumstances- how differently would you view these things if you could see them only in relationship to God on His throne?" (beth moore) i'm trying to have that perspective. it was both encouraging and convicting!!!

did i tell you that we missed ballet today. first of all, i couldn't find her ballet shoes. so, we had enough time to go buy new ones. then, drove to ballet. except, i was on the wrong side of the island. i drove back and forth for a few, then called a friend and she directed me. to the other side of the island! fun times... good for teaching my daughter life lessons... but, we got there in time to meet the teacher and some friends!!

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