22 October 2010

first day of school...

the best pose i could get... first day of school!

my big preschooler!!!

auntie byssa and radio co-host and friend kristen. aren't they awesome!!!

nora's first day of school was last thursday. she LOVES it! she hates that she can't go every day. it's so fun for her. yesterday, she got to bring home a book with each kids' picture in it. each kid takes it home once until the next class time. she just loves to sit and look at all her friends.

she loves what she is learning. she loves the centers. she LOVES her teachers.

james just came over and wanted "up" on the couch next to me. he is getting SO BIG! he is talking so much, and singing a bit. this morning, i was sitting in his rocker, getting him dressed and just talking after i got him out of bed. he gave me about three bear hugs and said "love". totally unprompted! it was awesome! what a sweet boy! he also just leaned in so i could give him a kiss!! my snuggly boy!!

he HATES when nora goes to school. he HATES leaving her. he loves to sing with me. if i sing "oh where is my hairbrush", he will finish with "oh where oh where oh where is my hairbrush". if i sing "jamey. jam-ey", he will sing "wah-wah-wah-wah-wah" like melly and byssa do!"

he is ALL BOY. he loves to put his drink on the edge of the table, say "whoa, whoa", and knock it off. he loves fries. any bag we get, he asks for fries in it. he loves to run and climb.

nora keeps asking if this is rhode island. then, she checks to make sure we can bring her things to hawaii. poor confused girl. today we have a playdate! our same friends... we are so blessed to have them. the dads were friends in virginia and introduced the wives and kids last week. the best part- THEY ARE GOING TO HAWAII!!

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