morning walk... the cliff walk

morning walk...

still walking...
the kids enjoyed the beach, sand and park!!
who wouldn't love that face??
two kiddos!!

my navigator!!
still fascinated with the sand!!

me-cheesy, james-angry, nora-not in the pic, but wanted a pic to remember our first day on our own, moved in, in rhode island!


did i mention it was windy??
nora kept telling me she was afraid she was going to blow away!!

our new friend, dayton, over for a playdate!

james taking a "cheese" with his puzzle piece!
cooking in her kitchen!!
so, we are getting adjusted. slowly! monday, we got up, got our insurance switched to this region, then went for a walk. the kids even fell asleep in their stroller! then, they got to play outside! it was so much fun. i loved being by the water (which is only about 5 minutes from our house), and still getting to be outside! we came home, took naps/quiet time, had dinner with daddy, then he and i just enjoyed being together. we played cribbage, watched monday night football, and relished in the fact that we lived in the same house again!
yesterday, nora had preschool. the only thing she finds wrong with it is that it's not every day. she absolutely loves it!! i wasn't sure how jamey and i were going to fill our time. i went to base to get gas with plans to go to the commissary. when i went to start my car after getting gas, it wouldn't start. so, there went a nice chunk of my morning!! i got some nice guy to jump the battery, and it seems to be working again. i was even more frustrated, because there wasn't a good reason the battery didn't start. oh well!!
we got nora, came home for lunch and naps, then set out on another adventure! we took a walk and then visited this local grocery store/cafe. it was cute, with not quite the selection i had hoped! but, should be a good cafe to visit!!
last night was nora's preschool parent's night. it was so fun to see what they do every day. the preschool is WONDERFUL and so are the teachers. she adores it and it's so fun to watch her. yesterday, she told me she learned that "God is healthy"! awesome!!
she also told me that i am her favorite in the whole world. she is growing up and it's so fun to watch! (also makes me a little sad...) i did have a moment of panic yesterday when i was at the gas station and NO ONE to call!! but, that will come. as always, God is good. our days have settled into a nice little routine. i might venture off the island again (an $8 round trip affair) this weekend... but then again, we'll see! the island has everything but target and trader joe's. thankfully, at least those two are close!