mmm.... pretty sure he loves his uncle joey even more! (he goes to mommy or uncle joey this week. occasionally mom-mom)

very proud of her barbie life jacket!!
do it like you do, baby boo!! driving the boat!!
sweet baby boy (maybe the only time on the boat he smiled... he is cutting his last molar and was NOT loving the boat!)

riding the jetski with mom-mom. BY FAR, her favorite thing today!
so, i was at chelsey's. and got a spam thing to my email, so i didn't upload pics to her computer and cause any more problems. then, the kids and i met my mom and sister at the hotel in greensboro for uncle andrew (david's brother)'s wedding. and, byssa's computer (was quite possibly affected by the same email i got) didn't let me upload pictures to blogger. THEN... drove to maryland and are at a house in the mountains with our cousins (and some of the most faithful blog followers... amy is the reason i blog every day... and she gave me permission to be "off" for the week) for the week. finally, got pictures to upload.... not that i haven't been trying!!
so, more pictures of the rest of the week to follow... but let me tell you. IT'S BEEN A BLAST!! at our "house", we have an indoor pool. nora can now swim the length of it (about 20ish feet). i am so proud of my little fish (or mermaid!!). she has (unfortunately) no fear of the water. and does AWESOME swimming! she also knows her letters now!! as my mom put it, she's grown up a year in this week! it's amazing to see!!
jamey has all four of his back molars and is QUITE the momma's boy. thankfully, he LOVES his uncle joey, and uncle joey loves him. and then, i get a break! and, he's down to one nap, but it's usually a good one!
alright, more when i upload more pics!
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