nora got to go to the second happiest place on earth last night. we have been there before, but never for her. nora got to go to the nordstrom shoe department!! and get fitted for shoes. it was the first time she actually got fitted for shoes. (her favorites right now were shoes that were 2 sizes too big. mom-mom decided that needed shoes that actually fit...)

nora was so excited when we walked into the store. she said "this is my store!!!" ahh... my little girl.

of course, we had to get some photos!
cheese!!! we decorated for christmas the other day. i had a second opinion here and we got it done before we leave for thanksgiving. nora got a fiber optic tree for her bedroom (it was the one i had in college). she is obsessed with the christmas trees. she keeps going into her room and climbing into her bed to look at her tree! and she loves mine. she walks up to it and says "it's so pretty. it's soooo beauuuuutiful". love it!

and, this is how we found her the other morning... dressed and ready for the day!!!
that is hilarious that nora called nordstrom her store. oh nora, i suppose that shouldn't surprise me. james is also so so cute in his little adidas zip up. that's my boy- representing!
the nordstrom shoe department: a woman after my own heart. :)
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