got her dressed today, then she decided that she wanted to wear her "cinderella" skirt, too. she put it on herself. a guy at target said he liked it. i think he may have wanted one just like it!

nora was helping me shake up seasoning onto homemade french fries!!
mmmm... popsicles!
my sweet boy... thinks he might like "real" food now. at least, he doesn't hate it anymore!
nora the other day... again for the dressing herself!
cinderella and her pumpkin
getting ready to trick or treat!
we hit about five houses and she was done. at one house, she wanted to sit at the chair they had on their front porch and never leave. she screamed when i made her. she had way more fun passing out candy to the kids that came by our house. until we ran out of candy at 6:55 pm. then, we put the kids to bed and turned off all the lights. i hated being that house!!!

james in his snuggly outfit!
my two babies. don't tell her the popsicle has broccoli in it (along with yogurt and fruit!!!) she loves it... actually had two as her dinner the other night!
a few weeks ago, we figured out that you could ichat with more than one person at a time. it's been great fun! friends and family can all get in on it! so, last night, we were ichatting at bedtime. everyone prayed bedtime prayers. then, nora got to pick the songs. everyone sang the songs. then, stef started playing "it is well with my soul" through her computer. nora stopped and was mesmerized. it's the song we have sang for her bedtime since she was born.
i sat there, holding my boy and listening to the words. "it is well with my soul. whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul." i want that to be my attitude. and last night, it was so true. it is well. God is good... all the time! my two babies are healthy, and cute! and i am married to a wonderful man (see previous post for more on that...).
it seems like nora acted in true michelle and david fashion on halloween, enjoying giving away candy more than getting some for herself. she has some great rents. i was also sourly disappointed not to be involved in that ichat. sounds like a great time. i agree with you on that song. we sang that in church on sunday and i just love it! the pics are great- especially the one of both of the kids. - well back to poly sci, don't tell ma!
the other problem with the halloween candy and running out was two-fold. first of all, david ate it before trick or treating started... less for the kids... and then, for the first several kids, he just handed them the bowl and let them choose! umm... what kid isn't going to take the biggest handful ever! oh well... again, my gracious husband!
bahahahahahaha Ohhhh Dave, I'm glad to see he's still a Haile :) Genetics are definitely against him when it comes to Halloween candy.
bahahahahahaha Ohhhh Dave, I'm glad to see he's still a Haile :) Genetics are definitely against him when it comes to Halloween candy.
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