again, in backwards order, because i forgot until they were uploading... BLACK FRIDAY!! we actually only braved david's bridal for my future sister-in-law, and then a little nordy rack. surprisingly, it was EMPTY! i have never seen nordy rack empty. especially on black friday!

did i mention we ran a five mile race on thanksgiving morning? i run so i can eat!! that's my new motto!! anyway... i ran with those clowns! and i was quite proud of my performance.

another clown... found this one as they rummaged through their old costume bin!
notice the new nordstrom shoes!! she might just be a cheerleader when she grows up!

lily and her mom, sarah, came over for a visit. they live in new hampshire, but were friends with us in ohio. sarah and i went to a few years of elementary school together, then she and david went to church together. then, we reconnected again when i met david! small world. nora enjoyed "yi-yee", except when she got a little tired.

getting ready to go outside in the cold new england air!
playing outside with daddy...
playing peek-a-boo in the airport with jamey
enjoying the game of peek-a-boo
rocking out to some little einsteins.
okay, so there were too many pics to publish. i would have been favoring! so, i will put them in an album and email them out. we had a great time! lots of time with family. on monday night, david, the kids and i took the car and braved the wilds of boston (read- crazy roads with no road signs!!) with our navigation, and got to visit with probably my longest friend and her hubby. (shoot... forgot to upload that pic... see the next post!) we had a blast! i was in laura's wedding. we have been friends since 4th grade.
it kind of felt like we were this whirlwind that descended on their house, ate, and left in the same mad fashion. however, i think they enjoyed it. david asked me on the way home- "do you think when we leave like that the couple is saying "man, we aren't having kids for a LONG time."?" but, we had a blast.... and it's a bummer we don't live closer, shoney girl! wonderful dinner, even better company!
it was nice and relaxing to be with family. we got to sleep in, and stay up late. there were so many people to play with the babies. nora's new favorite was auntie dofy... (dorothy), a cousin-in-law from england. nora LOVED her! she enjoyed all the time with grammie, grandpa, auntie sarah, soon to be auntie rene, and uncle andrew. she loved coo-coo grandpa (for some reason, that's what she calls great-grandpa!), and all the cousins and great-aunts and uncles. SO MUCH LOVE showered on her.
so, a debate recently has been the child leashes. i am not a fan. i understand the point, but just not sure i could do it in real life. however, we may be rethinking that policy after yesterday. we were getting ready to go through security and i had jamey in the carrier. david and i were getting undressed and getting stuff unpacked (after so meticulously packing it... LOVE security at the airports...)... nora decided to go under a barrier then through security. at full speed. david went running after her. security went running and yelling after him. (typically not good to run through security when they aren't paying attention).
one more story. on thanksgiving morning, we got up early to run the race. in the early afternoon, we were all hanging out, and i was reading on the couch. in the other room, i could hear david telling nora that it was almost naptime, as i was falling asleep. i woke up about 45 minutes later. i went to david and asked if nora was sleeping. he said he thought so. so, i started asking who put nora down. no one knew. then, i started looking around. nora was nowhere to be seen. by now, my heart was beating a little faster. we checked downstairs, where she loved to play. no nora. upstairs. not in her room. not in the other rooms. finally, we found her, in jamey's crib, sleeping. either she was tired and wanted to sleep, or she got in to play and couldn't get out, but no one could hear her being sad. either way, she was sleeping and SAFE!! lesson learned!
so, that's about it for now.... stay tuned for pics