04 December 2008

i mean... seriously!!

this video could break my heart!!! nora has been learning animal sounds. so, i will ask her, "what does a dog say"... then, my last question is "what does a mommy say?" (mommies say "i love you", and nora will say that to me... in her own language) recently, we have been asking her who else loves her. every time, she says the same thing... "Jesus"! she is so cute!!!

she also is very intent about praying. if i say pray, or thank-you, Jesus, or fold hands, in ANY context (even telling a story to someone else), she folds her hands and bows her head, waiting for me to pray! i am so thankful for these little habits!!

so, several times this week, i have gone in to get nora up from bed. i let her play for awhile, sometimes not going in until she is whining a bit. (the other morning, that was over an hour!!!) i go in, and she'll smile and dance around, but then when i reach for her, she shakes her head "no". i can leave the room and do whatever i need to, until she is "ready" to get up from bed! it's the funniest thing!!! she will even hand me her pacifier and just play and chat. it's SO STINKING CUTE!!!

UPDATE: so, we sat nora down to dinner, and david started feeding her as i cooked. they prayed, she ate. i came to sit down, and nora looked up at me, folded her hands, and bowed her head! everytime i got up to get something, or check something, then sat back down, she got ready to pray again!!! cute baby!!!

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