david had his christmas party the other night, so we got all dolled up! quite fun.

do you ever have those days when everything seems to flow JUST RIGHT? today seemed to be one of those days. except that nora woke up at 5:30 am! i was not too happy. but, david was getting up, so he brought nora in to snuggle with me. she just laid there so happy while i tried to go back to sleep! and get her to go back to sleep! david got out of the shower and took nora with him while he got ready. so, i got to sleep in a bit. i fed nora breakfast, and she was getting sleepy. so, i put her back in bed. she protested for a minute, but really didn't cry. i turned the monitor on and there she was, just talking to herself for about an hour! i could hear her playing and reading a book. but, i left her, because i had decided that i was going to tackle my housecleaning! so, i cleaned the house... i mean cleaned it! and i hadn't done that in awhile!!! (yesterday, nora also got up at 5:30am, so i napped when she did. on monday, she was teething, and fell asleep in my arms after an hour of crying, so we both napped together...)
do you ever have those days when everything seems to flow JUST RIGHT? today seemed to be one of those days. except that nora woke up at 5:30 am! i was not too happy. but, david was getting up, so he brought nora in to snuggle with me. she just laid there so happy while i tried to go back to sleep! and get her to go back to sleep! david got out of the shower and took nora with him while he got ready. so, i got to sleep in a bit. i fed nora breakfast, and she was getting sleepy. so, i put her back in bed. she protested for a minute, but really didn't cry. i turned the monitor on and there she was, just talking to herself for about an hour! i could hear her playing and reading a book. but, i left her, because i had decided that i was going to tackle my housecleaning! so, i cleaned the house... i mean cleaned it! and i hadn't done that in awhile!!! (yesterday, nora also got up at 5:30am, so i napped when she did. on monday, she was teething, and fell asleep in my arms after an hour of crying, so we both napped together...)
so, i cleaned. the bathroom, the kitchen, the little silver things under the burners that had food caked and baked on them... after nora played for about an hour, i heard nothing. so, i assumed she fell asleep, which she needed!!! i finally got myself breakfast and a friend was due to arrive for a walk and a visit.
well, no sooner had she walked in then i had to run to the bathroom (yes, my newly cleaned bathroom) and throw up! i took my vitamins just before eating, and unfortunately, i think that's what caused it (the only two times i have thrown up this pregnancy have been after vitamins...). i forgot to take them in the middle of my meal instead of the beginning!! the good news is that i felt better afterwards (which is why i know i am not sick) and we had a lovely walk and visit. nora also is currently having a great afternoon nap!!!
meanwhile, i am trying to use our brand new computer and transfer my pictures to the new macbook! it's fabulous! hopefully it will inspire me to blog some more! there you go... that's our day. and really seems to be working out well! hope your day is going the same
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