our departure time was 6:45 am. i walked out the door at 6:47 am. not too bad. david had loaded the bean and sadie into the car, along with our four suitcases and three carry-ons. we dropped sadie off (she is boarding at the house that fostered her...) and she was so excited to see this family again. nora, however, cried when sadie got out of the car. it was quite sad.
on our way to the airport. no problems. david dropped the bags, the bean and me off and went to park the car. he got back, and we got through security with no problems. we did the whole, play with nora, david get breakfast, change nora's diaper one last time, etc until it was time to board. nora was, again, an angel on the plane.
THEN, we got to houston. once there, we found out that our flight was cancelled. i had my dad make a reservation at the marriott attached to the airport, just in case, while i was on the phone with continental. i didn't want to be one of those people who get stranded at the airport because all the hotels were full.
turns out, initially, the best they could get us was another flight on the 24th. so, we stood in line for two hours and get to leave tomorrow night to go to nyc, then six hours later, finally fly to boston. not too bad... about the best you get when you combine bad winter storm, oversold flights and a decreased number of flights in general...
and through it all, nora was an absolute angel!!! we are now in our hotel room, which is monstrous in size, and just finished our room service. i guess when you are going to get delayed, this isn't a bad way to do it! nora can run, climb the stairs (yes, i did say stairs in our hotel room... i told you it was big!!), eat and david can watch football! and nora is going to sleep in the upstairs bathroom!! thanks dad!
so, by tuesday morning, we should be in boston... david decided that all my traveling has paid off, because nora was such a doll all day...
one last cute story... nora has picked up on the fact that i cross my arms (or anyone). she has started crossing her arms, especially when she sees someone else doing it! it's so cute. i will work on getting a picture!