04 June 2008

whirlwind weekends and lots of fun!!

lobsters for daddy's birthday! we had so much fun...

then, we hung out with friends (kayden, jace and their parents!!) it was a fun memorial day/daddy's birthday!

we went to ohio, and nora fell in love... with grapefruit! she went to town!

we went to the johnson's and nora loved the chicks and sheep.

we had breakfast with the swanson family... it was a BUSY weekend! there were graduations, partys and families galore!

but nora still managed smiles all over.

before we left, we went to visit my old work. nora was a big help to auntie evelyn. and a huge hit!!

in honor of daddy's birthday weekend, we went to a baseball game.... nora's first! she had a ball! she seemed to LOVE people watching! and there is a park in the park that we played at!

i think david loved that nora enjoyed the game so much.

however, it tuckered nora out! she slept like a baby!

we have had a busy and fabulous last few weeks. it was so fun to be in ohio and with family. nora transitioned well and traveled like a champ. i figured it out the other day... nora has been on 22 different airplanes. and she charms the other passengers on each one! what a sweet baby... i hope that she keeps traveling this well!

i had to laugh on one of our flights. this young girl (okay, early twenties) sat down next to me and we both pulled out our magazines. hers was people and mine was a mom's mag!

alright... more to come!

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