we went out to dinner (in the background is the water, then the cliffs of torrey pines... for all you golfers out there!) nora was tired and very snuggly!

she found a carrot... it was more entertaining to play with than to eat, i think!

cheering on uncle david while he played wii!!

watching the open with the davids!!

then, more of camp putt-putt!!

feeding time for the masses! what cute and good babies! nora and i had a quick trip to the doctor today... she weighs 19lbs, 12oz and is 27 inches long! what a big girl! she is definitely getting longer and skinnier! and... there are three new teeth peeking through! that will give her a grand total of six!
it's hard to believe! my little girl is growing up! last night, david was putting nora in bed. she has a little routine for going to sleep. we sing her "it is well". when she is really tired, she will lunge for her bed and not let you finish the song. usually, we get through a verse and put her down. so, david put her in bed and noticed that she curled her leg up under her. so, he thought he would be helpful and straighten it out for her. she looked up at him, with a look of annoyance, and pulled her leg back up under her. ahh... my little snugglepuppy!
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