So, this is the only picture I could get to upload... Nora and I got pedis the other day!!!
Eight days before Nora's first birthday, she will be moving out of the closet! (Actually, David will come home from Maine in July and move us. Nora and I will continue gallavanting in the midwest while Daddy works hard!!! He has four nights to move us before he comes back to join us!) So, after nearly 12 months in the closet, Nora will get her own room! I couldn't be happier!! We found awesome renters for our place, and are moving five minutes up the road to a nice, two bedroom apartment. (Actually, there is a walk-in closet, so for all intents and purposes, it could be a three bedroom!)
Mom-mom, Pop-pop and Uncle David have been here this week. Uncle David and DYH got to go to the US Open practice round, courtesy of a good friend, Eric, who wasn't able to make one of the practice rounds. Then, on Sunday night, he also offered David and David tickets to Monday. We all fought over them! So, they had fun watching Tiger win! (David said he could have reached out and touched him on the 7th- sudden death- hole!) Other than that, we enjoyed family time this week! We played "Camp Putt-putt"... a Presley tradition of picking a week and playing putt-putt every night! Nora chilled out in her new jogging stroller and we had a great time!
Nora has three new teeth just peeking through. These have definitely been the most miserable! She will just write in pain! I gave her teething tablets (chamomille) just to try it, and within a few minutes, she was a different girl... on the floor, playing and laughing! Before the bad teething, when mom was her favorite, she wouldn't leave Uncle David's arms for anything but food. It was precious to watch!
Alright, a lot on this post... sorry it's been so long! We babysat for a friend last week... Benjamin is about 13 months older than Nora. However, they are about the same size!!! He was so cute with her, crawling on the floor with her, playing with her, and holding her hands. They were both in their chairs, eating a snack, when Benjamin said he was done. He got down, and I turned to Nora and said "What about you, little monkey, are you done?" Without missing a beat, Benjamin walked over and said, "Come on little monkey, are you done? Aren't you full? Are you done, little monkey?" It was so precious!!! What a fun boy!
Lastly, we had some friends over to the hotel for a swim day... Nora and her boys. We had a great time! We all took a vote, and decided that my parents should move to that hotel! Thanks mom and dad for a great weekend!
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