okay, the video numbers... i was going through my old posts and realized that some of my videos didn't post. so, i posted them... but then realized that they posted when they were first put up. so, they are listed video 1-5... if you want to go see them!!
nora is here in her cute new shoes... she was enjoying wearing them. however, someone thought her shoe was coming off, because of the way her foot was twisted around. but, that's just the way she walks. sometimes, her feet don't face all the way forward! we'll have to work on that.
nora went to a friend's house and got to drive the car this weekend! she had so much fun! we got cool new glasses as a party favor on saturday and nora begged to try them on!!!
she loves to show how big she is!!

nora thinks her daddy is about the funniest thing in the world. it's so fun to watch them interact... i came home the other day from running errands, and the "mamma mia" soundtrack was playing in the background. and there was my sweet husband, dancing with my daughter! it was the most precious thing! i used to dance with my dad, so it touched my heart to see david and nora doing this!
this weekend, we went to see a shakespeare show at the old globe in balboa park. it was so fun! it was outdoors and we snuggled up under a blanket. saturday, nora slept in until 8:40 am! (and i woke her up then...) we went to a party (see the video of the roller coaster) and had a blast.
sunday was a "Celebration of God and Country" at church. it is the 4th celebration service. it was such a moving service... talking about freedom, honoring our military, and celebrating the fact that we live in an amazing country! it was such a refreshing and moving day! nice to remember that we do have a fabulous life in america! and, that i am proud to be an american!!!
then, i took a little drive to pasadena, ca. a dear, dear friend (jennnie keller skinner) was in a show up there. it was so fun to see her, and to see her act. the show was incredible! and moving... i cried! it was about sisters and life. it was also the second thing this weekend that made me remember that we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. the other was a fire in san diego. it was at the kansas city bbq (where the sleezy bar scene from top gun was filmed, and where there is a bunch of movie props left). i drove by there on wednesday and pointed it out to a friend. i even said, i need to go there soon! then, on thursday, it burned down!
back to my drive... i hadn't done a drive like that by myself in a LONG time! i plugged in my ipod and rocked out! it was so great... i listened to songs that i hadn't in awhile. and the songs all made me think of different points in my life. then, talking to jennie and her new husband about life, marriage and babies, made me remember what an AWESOME life i have and how thankful i am for the amazing man i married and the adorable daughter i have! we also talked a lot about God's timing and God's plan. so often i think i have everything planned out and see how it would work perfectly... then God does what He does, and sometimes i even get angry that my plan isn't working. but, looking back, it's so wonderful to see that God had something even better than i could have imagine planned all along!!!
so, have a great day! that's all i have to say for now!