14 January 2016

more catchup..

making gingerbread houses!  a fun tradition...

my sweetest elf!

these boys.  

sipping on his smoothie!  (smoody)

eatin' some booty while big brother performs!

my first grade star!

climbed himself into the pack n play... tired much?

getting ready for a night out!!!  my sweet boy wanted a pic with me!

daddy's work did a bowling night holiday party!

jedis in training!

santa came to visit!

b was underwhelmed (or terrified!)

but loved the paw patrol toy that santa gave him!

and d got to see star wars!!!

so, nov and dec (or all of last year) felt packed to the brims.  my goal this year is to have less.  less of the stuff that just fills our days, but doesn't bring us joy!  and more of the stuff that does bring us joy!

we were having a fairly serious discussion the other day, after an acquaintance passed away.  heaven and hell, life and death.  the whole way to school.  it was positive, but fairly heavy.  so, we pull in to school and james says he has a question- i brace myself for what is coming, anticipating something deep and philosophical!  his question...  "mom, when we watched "the little mermaid 3...".  

i might have laughed out loud!!!

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