09 October 2015

school days once again...

his first day of pre-school...  it's so fun!  this week, he was crying because he COULDN'T go every day!  i love it!  and it's the same school/teacher that nora had last time we lived here!  it's such a sweet, fun school!

this girl... i have NO IDEA how she grew up so fast?  but she is a great oldest child (routinely gets b out of bed and changed/dressed for the day!)  and she's so sensitive and mature.  loving it!

this kid...  full of energy and fun.  he's a middle child, through and through, but really wants to please me.  he's the best at saying "yes, mommy" when being corrected or asked to do something.  and if he gets one-on-one time, he's in heaven!  i am so proud of his reading and love of school!

it was a foggy morning...

he asked to keep his hair longer this year... no military cut for him!

these kids are so much fun.  chris is hysterical to be around.  he has stories and songs and the BIGGEST imagination.  he is a chatter box (for someone who i thought might have a speech delay...).  the other day, he didn't want to eat his carrots.  and he had also been acting as a "non-talking" robot, where i have to ask him to blink his eyes, raise his hand, etc, for a response (a fun game we were playing in the car...).  so, david went over, pushed some "buttons" on c, and told him he had reprogrammed him to a carrot eating robot.  and he ate his carrots.  

b is the sweetest, easiest fourth.  i have always said he was easy cause he has to be!  he's so much fun, and more "speech delayed" than c was at this age!  but, man, does this kid GET everything.  i mean, EVERYTHING!  and communicates.  but, not quite as many words as his cousin, m, yet.  (let's be honest, he's a boy and the youngest of 4! )

he's such a snuggler and just so sweet.  he LOVES his daddy...  and his siblings.  he tries so hard to keep up with them!!  

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