09 January 2015

catching up in a new year!

how our elf appeared this year.  

also, this was the year that nora found out that someone doesn't exist.  and then she realized it ALL wasn't real- elf, tooth fairy, etc.  it was a hard few days (and i wanted to put it all back the right way, but couldn't!), but she had fun helping us move the elf and play "santa".  she's such a sweet, grown up girl!

hanging ornaments on the tree... they had so much fun!

and then this one... discovered something new!  

sidebar- today, d came home for lunch to surprise me!  it was so fun.  we were playing cards, and he looked over to see b up on the third step... his first time!  d got to him JUST as he started to fall.  the gate is now in place!!!  good to know he can do it!  

this beautiful sunrise after dropping a friend off at the airport!

how i find them some mornings... playing wii!

and then, we went to chick fil a on a date.  to sign a contract to buy a house.  by owner.  all crazy and fun and excited.  we are (hopefully) close to closing!! 

i sent out our blog address in our Christmas cards.  then didn't update it for about a month... so if anyone is still reading...  we had a great trip to florida and are now playing catch up.  i hit the ground running when we got back, so i am looking forward to this weekend to catch up on cleaning and organizing our life!

also, we had the monitor packed, so it hasn't gone back in to b's room yet.  not sure if he is ACTUALLY sleeping through the night, or if we just can't hear him!  (just kidding- we can hear him when he cries... he just hasn't since we got back!  hooray!!!)  i have loved FIVE whole nights of sleeping through the night!

oh, and our heat went out.  that was fun.  they came and fixed it and it went out a few hours later.  at 9:30pm.  so, the guy came back to fix it, bless his heart!  

merry Christmas and happy new year!

1 comment:

Amos said...

I am still reading - surprise surprise and loving every minute!!