11 July 2014

the lake

getting water...

reading.  nora loved reading with her aunties!

telling stories...

nap.  first nap in a big boy bed (cause he could climb in and out of his pack n play.)..

standing up on her tube...  

the terror of the water front.  and not because of his speedo!  (we got lazy... )

swimming out to sea!

this kid (well, all 3 big ones) had such a blast, spending most of their waking hours in the water.  and if not in the water, down at the dock.  or eating.  cause it takes a lot of food to sustain that kind of energy!  chris got pretty daring in his swimming and the oldest two loved swimming out to the sail boat or just jumping off the dock.  

today, the kids were asking how long my parents had lived in their house.  and why older people live in their houses for so long.  i had to tell them that it's normal to live in one house for quite a while.  that we are the odd ones...  

one of my kids loved the idea that we get to keep moving.  one really didn't like that idea.  

as for moving...  it's fun to see what i can create with my 3 pans and a knife.  i've made some good meals.  and we are being creative in our having fun!  loving the simplicity.  ironically, my devotions this morning featured a verse about being content in all circumstances.  i am so thankful for the contentment i have found recently.  God has been so graceful and made this time so fun!

i could have shipped our stuff sooner out of hawaii so it would be here by now.  but, i was by myself with four kids.  and i knew that would be tough.  here, d is home around 4pm, and i have so much help.  i would still do it this way (and i have given it a lot of thought!!!).  if it wasn't summer, i would reconsider.  but we play outside.  and have fun as a family.  i am cherishing this time!!

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