01 December 2013

birthday parties...

a sweet announcement.

the surfer keiki.

the beached turtle... when he's on his back, he tends to get stuck like that!!

james, being held up by his instructor!

the kids coming back in...

nora...  i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her look in this pic.  she is in her glory, doing something she loves, and TOTALLY. ROCKING. IT!

love his slightly hesitant face, his grip on the board, and most of all, that HE. IS. OUT. THERE!  (it took a new lego bribe.  but he described it as "an awesome day"!!!)

my sleepy boys after the beach!

love this kid....

standing, just practicing!


showing off!

first time...

getting the feel for it!

brothers don't shake hands...

our view for the day.

the north shore, just off of hale'iwa beach park.  

sorry... crazy week.  but it was fun.  a whirlwind week with my fam back in for thanksgiving.  we cooked our turkey in an 'imu.  (that's a big hole in the ground.  they do it at luaus!)  it was AMAZING! i mean, my parents want to build an 'imu in their back yard now!  so good...

everyone left on saturday and we headed to other ohioan friends to watch the osu game vs that team from up north.  it was a fun game!  and a lazy day until dinner out with our small group from church.  a fun night, and then decorating for Christmas after church today!  i love Christmas decorations.  and the lights all aglow!  

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Love those surfing shots!