08 September 2013

fun in the sun...

we hit up the beach with some friends this weekend.  it was a beautiful day.  and the kids had a blast.  they were sad mommy wouldn't let them get too far in the water without daddy...  

i can't believe how big the kids are getting.  how fast it's going.  i know... everyone says it does.  it's not a new feeling.  nora made breakfast for us all this morning.  sweet servant girl.  she LOVES to serve.  and james loves to compliment and thank for things.  unprompted!  i love that about him.  and chris.  he's in a stage.  he can be so super whiny, but when he's not, he is the sweetest thing in the world!!

i keep telling david, some of it is our fault.  he's TRYING to communicate with us, but he's 19 months. how frustrating must it be for him?  he totally thinks he's getting his point across and we have no clue!  so, when i stop and make him stop whining, and really ask, it's been going well.

he loves to play.  it's such a fun change!  and, when you ask him where the baby is, he points to my belly.  i get that it's totally repeating what we say, but it's cute!

that's all!  have a good night!

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