sweet friends...

she, especially, HAD to have a map. she was convinced we wouldn't find our way without it. and, she could figure out which were the meerkats on there! so cute...

naturally, we found a stage!

a gnarly tree in our front yard!

i think my fav decor in the house so far. also, the only place that's really "done"...

the family room. awaiting stuff on the walls. with the stairs to upstairs!

jamey's room.
bedtime... stories and songs in sissy's bed. i LOVE that they love hymns and love to sing them with me!
then, i went and got my hawaii driver's license. it's so pretty, with this rainbow on it!
it rained more than it has today. it is so hard to believe we have been here a week. the house is really unpacked, except my bedroom. and the pictures need to be put up on the wall. they are piled up on the counter. LOVING our house.
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