09 September 2010

i love... again!

today, i was with jamey in the basement. i was sewing and he was playing and watching a show. mom-mom had nora at kerri's soccer game. james came over to me and gave me the biggest hug. i couldn't figure it out. he'd never done anything like that before. then, i realized he had restarted the show from where it was, and was afraid i was going to get mad! sweet boy... i just held him, and he helped me lay out my project!

then, i got to spend time rocking him and putting him to bed. it was so fun! he just looked up at me and said, "I love". i LOVE that!!!

also, forgot to mention yesterday... at easton, the kids, mom and i went into nordstroms. i was looking for some rain/snow/ice boots for the winter. i usually borrow when i am in town, but as i will be living in it for 7 months, then visiting, it might be good to have my own pair.

when we first walked in, it was into salon shoes (for those of you who don't know, that's the REALLY expensive side!). there was this GORGEOUS pair of kate spade shoes (see here... http://www.saksfifthavenue.com/main/ProductDetail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524446372690&afsrc=1&site_refer=GGLBASE001&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=ParentItem0441277068650)

nora went right for them, and you would have thought she was in heaven. she couldn't stop looking at them and touching them. getting her distracted, we went to try on my boots. a few minutes later, she took mom-mom over to look at them. they walked back to me, and there was nora, in those AWESOME shoes! and loving every minute. the salesman, however, did not seem to be enjoying it as much! otherwise, i might have gotten a picture. AND, my heart was palpating at the thought of possibly having to BUY those shoes!!!

BUT, i love that she loves the girly stuff!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

just checked out those shoes that nora loves. they are freaking sweet!!! i can't believe you didn't get them for her...or you. also i meant to tell you this earlier, but i just wanted to say thanks again for my coffee maker!!! i use it all the time and its going to save me or rather mom and dad a good bunch of money! you're the best. wish i got to see you this weekend. love you