18 May 2009

the magic swing...

at dinner with amy grace... more on that later!

sweet boy... wondering why his mom is taking almost naked pictures!!

i love that face... nora wanted to "hold you baby jamie", but wouldn't let me get her in the picture.  i told her i was only taking one of jamie.  

sweet boy, continuing our photo shoot....

little boy, loving his bath!
okay, so nora talks about the potty a lot.  then, this last week, she has been telling me to change her diaper RIGHT after she goes.  (if you don't have kids... it's just obvious!)  so, we decided to buy her a potty and start introducing it.  well, now we can't get her off of it!  she LOVES it!  and, she's gone twice today on it!  (then we had to go out...)  i guess we are almost potty-training, but mostly by default.  i guess i am going to have to dedicate some time to staying at home and doing it.  i am dragging my feet, and don't have a "by hook or by crook" attitude.  anyway... this was a video i took as she sat there for a HALF HOUR today.  if she would get up, i would tell her we had to go put a new diaper on, and she REALLY didn't like that idea.  once she went, she was ready to get a new diaper on!   crazy...  so, we watched some youtube, took a video and chatted!  

we got to have dinner last night with amy grace and her friend.  yesterday was a tough day.  i was definitely the mom carrying her child to the car, upside down, because the child was trying SO HARD to get out of my arms.  she was also the child with ALL HER FOOD underneath her, and squashed because she then stepped on it.  she was "that child" in the restaurant yesterday.  now, whenever we pick her up from the nursery or bible study, they always tell us what a GREAT child we have.  she is usually well behaved.  in fact, we can go days without really having to punish.  (usually a threat will suffice... and we only do one of those...  i can't stand those parents who say "if you ...  one more time, then i will..., but never get around to carrying out their threat.  it's always "one more time...")  yesterday wasn't that day!  but, it really makes me thankful that we do have such a great daughter and THOSE days are few and far between.

the swing...  james really only poops in the swing.  and the only times he has pooped all over his clothes has been in his swing.  it's a borrowed swing (kate, it looks just like yours...), and magically, the poop never gets on the swing... just his clothes!  but, if i need him to go, i know where to put him!  in his 8 weeks, i think he has only gone once or twice NOT in the swing...  alright, enough about my kids' elimination patterns... enjoy the abc's!

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