10 March 2009

tacky gifts and more heartbeats

she is smarter than i give her credit for...  last night, david and i had our hospital tour.  my mom dropped me off, and had nora in the car.  we pulled up by the front of the hospital and nora went nuts!  she started saying "heartbeat, heartbeat".  i didn't even say "doctor" or anything about baby james.  she just recognized the place!  i felt so bad that she couldn't hear the heartbeat.  poor thing also has it so engrained in her, that whenever i talk about a baby, she says "gentle"!  i guess that's a good thing!!!

some awesome girlfriends threw me a little shower this weekend.  it was so nice!!  i am overwhelmed by my good friends!  we were talking about the problem with regifting, especially gift bags.  sometimes, you can reuse just the bag, but if you forget to take the card off, or something, it can look so tacky!  maybe that was why tacky presents were on my mind yesterday...  but dvd's, seriously????  i have to be a little embarrassed!!!  a friend did tell me he thought that was part of the stimulus plan...  encourage foreigners to buy american dvd players!  (thanks dave!!!)

off of my soapbox...  our tour last night...  the birth center was completely empty!  i told david i only had to make it to midnight to be eligible (i am now 37 weeks pregnant and free to deliver anytime!!) and he told me he would be listening for a loud thump in the shower!!  ha ha... thanks, but i don't have any desire to fall in the shower again!  

the pictures... the other morning, i was getting ready, and i found nora next to daddy's bookshelf, reading one of his novels!  it was so cute.  then, the red shoes!  (she is patting to little einsteins)  and lastly, she was lounging watching some tv a few mornings ago, as i got stuff ready to go!  what a cute kid!

1 comment:

Heather and Spencer said...

I'm all caught up on your blog...I think! :) Nora is SO STINKIN' CUTE! I can't wait to see pics and blogs about Baby James too! I miss you shell! :)