05 March 2009

heartbeats and oops....

nora loves talking about baby james' heartbeat!  she loves going to the doctor and obeys so well!  it's so cute.  actually, there have been a lot of cute things recently!  she can quote some of her favorite books.  one of the first, and more common ones, to quote is "hat hat" (blue hat, green hat).  if you haven't read it, it's a book of colors, and the turkey on each page messes up where his clothes go.  so it will go "blue hat, green hat, red hat, oops" and so on with different articles of clothes.  last night, david was carrying her home from the car, and they were talking about that book.  nora always says the "oops" part.  there's a song she knows that has oops in it as well.  so they sang that.  then, nora burped.  and she said "oops"!!  david and i just laughed!!  it was too cute.

she also has this gorgeous taffeta dress (actually a few of them) from mom-mom and fits into one of them right now.  so, she wears it with these patent leather red shoes.  this morning, she woke up saying "red shoes".  so, we wore red shoes today, along with her cute little, white ralph lauren polo dress (we wore the taffeta one earlier this week for fun!).  she has talked about her shoes all day!  it's so cute!  at least she has good taste!!!

i have really been trying to enforce the pacifier at bedtimes (or salvation for mom... ie car, doctor's, grocery, etc) recently.  i figure if we are at home, playing and having fun, there is no need.  but she has been asking for it anytime she is sad.  the other day, she said "bed??".  when i said no (she had JUST gotten up from a nap 15 minutes before), she said "cuppees (her word for it)"!  at least she is making the association!

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