okay, so you know how there are just unspoken rules. i mean, you don't ask a women if she is pregnant. or her age. or how many times she's had plastic surgery. or if she is considering it. or her weight.
29 January 2009
unspoken rules... and I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!!
okay, so you know how there are just unspoken rules. i mean, you don't ask a women if she is pregnant. or her age. or how many times she's had plastic surgery. or if she is considering it. or her weight.
26 January 2009
21 January 2009
just one pic
20 January 2009
new car

so, i my car was 10 years old. we decided after the last major repair that that was it. when it went again, we would get a new one. or, we would get a new one before james came. so, last week, it went. i spent a few days driving it while it shook and sputtered. not so much fun! on monday, nora went to play with jeffrey ("jeff-jeff) and his dog brindie ("bindy") while we went car shopping. you can see that nora and jeffrey have a lot of fun together!!! (there are also a few more pics from this weekend, including nora on the carousel. but, she only had fun with daddy... screamed when i took her on! and, she got her first taste of cotton candy!!)

alright... so i slack at this! but, here is a video from this weekend. nora thinks her daddy is about the funniest thing in the world. i can try to imitate what he does, but it does not elicit the same response from her. sad. running around outside is a favorite pastime. she just wanders from one side of the yard to another. it's quite cute. she really likes to make noise in the leaves. at least she now knows that she has to have shoes on before going outside, so she will stand at the door and say "shoes".
12 January 2009
home again, home again...
we are back in san diego... and just in time. it snowed over 12 inches in twinsburg the day we left!!! but on saturday, we went to the beach!! i have to say, while it was fun to be home and on vacation, it is good to be home. we enjoyed this weekend, at the beach and catching up with friends. and i think nora was most excited to see her sadie dog (whom she calls "sissy" now). i think even more than daddy! we do laugh, because she has no problem saying dada, but can't get the "d" in sadie.
05 January 2009
it's over...
today is the day that makes christmas feel officially over... everyone was back to doing the things they usually do (school, work, etc). my mom even started taking down her decorations (thankfully, i took ours down before we left, so i won't have to face them this weekend!!!) we are still in ohio for the week... and enjoying it. except my lips are so chapped i am not sure they will ever be normal again. one more reason that christmas should be in san diego next year!
thankfully, the rest of our travels went without a hitch. we got upgrades on the rest of our flights, and everything was relatively on time. we had a wonderful time in boston, and now twinsburg. it's been a very relaxing few weeks for me. i think i have changed three diapers and held nora twice. i was starting to worry a little bit, because she would only go to my mom. actually, anyone but me, but definitely favoring my mom. she slipped and fell the other day, and chose ME over anyone else!!! for a good thirty seconds until she lunged again for my mom! oh well... my mom keeps telling me i was the same way with my mom-mom!
i took this pic the other day when nora was sleeping. i love that she still sleeps with her little legs curled up underneath her. just like when she was days old! what a big girl she is becoming.
i forget if i wrote about "bishou". it was a phrase that nora was repeating over and over again. one of the first things she seemed to be saying intentionally. and it was so cute to hear her say it. well, it's been about a month or so since we first heard it, and since then, nora's vocabulary has increased exponentially. she loves to talk about airplanes and will point out any car she can see. she is very good with names, and points at pictures around the house, saying "coco" or "byssa" (my sisters' nicknames, if you didn't know). we are getting closer to uncle david, and mom-mom and pop-pop sound alike. she asks specifically for things she wants and is so attentive. anyway, the other day, she looked at me and said "bean show". it finally dawned on me that all this time, she meant bean show as she would say "bishou". (bean show is what we call any tv/dvd/youtube vid that she watches... all day, she has been walking around asking for "bean show", and it's so hard to deny this sweet little voice of the one thing she wants in this world!
i have, however, denied her on occasion. i don't want her to watch THAT much tv! but at least it's only baby einsteins or other educational material!