23 August 2008

too cute...

two cute videos... one of nora just reading her book and talking away. i let her go into her room and don't always follow her right away, because her room is baby-proof. usually, i find her in her room, with all of her books around her. all the toys, and what she loves most is her books (a girl after her mom and dad's own heart!).

the second video is nora playing peek-a-boo- a newly acquired skill. it's so fun to watch! she is such a precious girl.

she is so much more interactive now. it's so fun to watch. she loves to play with her doggy and to tackle her dad. she can find her pluggy anywhere! she loves to eat and is getting really good at doing it herself. she blows kisses and waves. this morning, she saw her daddy still in bed, and about lept out of my arms to get to him. she ADORES her daddy. (he kinda likes her, too!!) she is so fun. we just love her!!!

speaking of our dog, she is fabulous with nora. nora doesn't totally understand the concept of gentle quite yet. but, sadie puts up with it very well. she will growl or pull away, but never is aggressive towards nora. if we are playing with nora, sadie wants to be in on the action. she, however, HATES when we leave. the first time we left, she broke a window. more recently, she had been scratching at the door so hard, her paw started bleeding. so, we got a crate. it makes it SO easy to leave. however, yesterday, sadie pulled apart the crate and got out! what a smart dog! oh well...

enjoy the videos!

1 comment:

CNB said...

Ha! No way! I have a video of Jeffrey "reading" the same doggies book as Nora! I just put it on the family site. Too funny! See you soooooon!