what a cute girl... just playing with my new camera!!

she has discovered her stuffed animals. she loves to just snuggle them. the other night, she wouldn't let go of one of the bears as she went to bed. it's cute to watch her love on them. she is also seeming to really understand what we are saying (except for "no"!!) if you tell her to go get her dolly/bear/duck/book, she will.
she is also getting REALLY good at signing! more, i think, as a credit to the dvd than my teaching! but, she will sign for a story, sleep (in case with the whining and rubbing of her eyes we missed it!), please, more and milk. it is so fun to watch! and, it really helps curb the whining!!!
we had her one year check-up this week! the doctor said she looked great! to refresh your memory, nora was in the 95% for height and weight when she was young. her weight is now 21'12", for the 50% and she is 27 3/4 in tall, for the 25%. she is probably not going to get that basketball or volleyball scholarship! but, here's hoping!!!
okay, so i think i have talked before about babysitters. last night, we had a 13 year-old come baby-sit nora. she did an awesome job! i was very impressed. but david and i got in the car and looked at each other and marveled at how parents trusted us with their kids around this age (i started around 10 years old baby-sitting for david, alyssa and neighborhood kids. david babysat for four kids at 14!!). what trusting parents. did they ever worry about our age the way we did? we got spoiled with our college-age aunt kels all summer!!!
and, i keep meaning to comment on nora's nicknames. we call her bean. nora jeanne bean, shortened to just bean. sometimes the bean. (... "how's the bean doing?") well, it has evolved over the 13 months of her life. here are some examples...
bean dip (which is problematic when at a mexican restaurant and the waiter is there. then, he brings you your bean dip and you comment how you never ordered bean dip! note to self... don't refer to bean as bean dip at restaurants anymore!!!)
coughy bean (coffee bean)- when she has a cough
jumping bean- when she is crazy and moving all around
sorry, that's a lot of reading for you to do! i'll try to be better about blogging!!! happy reading!
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