check out nora's feet... this is how she stands! her feet are all twisted! and check out those thighs!! how awesome are they??

i got a great shot of all six teeth! what a big girl!! i can't believe how big she looks with teeth... this cougar really liked that both kids were out of the strollers. i think he would have much preferred that they were in his cage! he kept circling the area we were standing... and followed us as we moved on down the road. (as far as he could, anyway). the kids were amused and talking to him! the moms got out their cameras, and eveyrone around us was kind of shocked, i think!

the orangutan was just chilling with his back to everyone. it was cool to see him so up close... i had forgotten how HUGE they are! we got to see lots of interesting animals... nora was a little more entertained than previous trips to the zoo... and we got an r-rated performance by some anteaters! i think the parents were more entertained than the kids!

we got home from the zoo, and david got nora out of the carseat, upstairs, changed her diaper and washed her face, all without the little girl even flinching, let alone waking up! we wore her out!!!
alright, enough procrastination on my part... back to packing!
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