we could FINALLY get out and about! we went to the zoo with several other moms and babies (there were five strollers total...7 babies and one on the way). we had so much fun! nora and i took this same picture in october (see october 11 post)... and it was fun to see how much she had grown! she took a great nap in her stroller, and seemed to have a great time!

nora and mark just hung out! they were the two babies closest in age. (he is about 8 weeks younger, and almost outweighs her!)

i built some bookshelves from ikea over the weekend, so nora's books are all much more easily accessible! nora discovered the books on tuesday and had great fun reading them! david got home from work on tuesday and nora was being a little grouchy. david said he didn't think he saw her smile at all tuesday night. that's not at all normal for her, so it is nice to have our happy baby back! she is definitely feeling much better!

we hope that she will like to read as much as her mommy and daddy! she's off to a good start... she had most of her books off her shelf the other day and could look at ALL of them!
i am not sure if i have too much more by way of new things to tell you. she is desperately trying to pull herself up on the coffee table right now. she may just succeed... i should go watch a little more closely! have a good day...
nora loves to stand next to things. she doesn't have the easiest time getting up, but she can hold herself there when she gets there! she thinks she is such a big girl!
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