okay, so two stories for the day... nora is trying VERY hard to crawl! she went from not being able to roll back to front to now doing it ALL the time! and, she is pushing herself up like she wants to crawl! i am SO not ready for that. but, she's getting bigger. she gets excited for things she recognizes (pacifier, etc) and is almost reaching out to you to hold her. sadly, the video i took won't post... but still, what an angel....
except for in this next story. she was asleep in her carseat and i wanted to run into target. so, i kept her in her carseat (instead of the sling) and put her in a cart. i was in the dressing room, trying things on when i heard a little gas. now, nora is notorious for letting them rip! i didn't think much of it. so, we get back in the car, and i had one more stop to make. i get her out to put her in the sling, and there is poop EVERYWHERE! so, she can't go back in the carseat to even just go home. i stripped her down and changed her. then, i scrubbed her carseat (with as many diaper wipes as i could!!). i figured we were out and clean, so i ran my errand. i put her back in the carseat, and we make the two minute drive home. (spoiler... this is where it gets really bad...) nora is getting hungry, and basically just looking for something to go in her mouth. and she finds the straps to the carseat. she bends over and starts sucking on them. the same straps i was just scrubbing! i KNOW they are not THAT clean! so i try to distract her... but that's all she wanted to munch on!
we are home, the carseat and clothes are soaking and nora is still naked, but loving rolling around. she has covered quite a bit of ground, so i have to go get her back now!! have a great day!!
1 comment:
Gross! :) But I'm so so glad I found your blog so now i can keep up with your cute little family! I miss you friend! :)
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