08 February 2008

being a mom

Okay, so nora had her first fever last night... 103.8! she woke up to eat, and was SO HOT... i had gone to bed not feeling very well, and was hoping she would be just fine. i even went to bed early to get extra sleep and hopefully not get sick. let's just say, God gives moms the grace they need to survive. I remember watching my mom as i was growing up, thinking "how does she stay up so late and then get up so early and never stop for a nap?" i understand now... she was staying up late to finish laundry, cleaning, dishes and then just anything she had to do for herself before she went to bed. but i never understood how she managed it so well. now, i am the mom, staying up late, getting up to feed the baby at night and then getting up early, but never seeming to get in a nap. and i don't feel too tired most of the time. another way i have become my mom... my bedtime routine. maybe it's just getting older and wiser, but realizing that things like flossing are good for you makes me add it to my routine.

back to the grace from God. so, nora wakes up in the middle of the night to eat and is hot. so i feed her and then take her temp. it's high and that's only from under her arm (she wouldn't let me take it anywhere else)... so, i change her clothes, give her some medicine, and try to put her back in bed. but, i think she felt as miserable as i did when i went to bed. she just wanted to snuggle. so, we came downstairs and rocked. suprisingly, i felt okay. not at all like i did before going to bed. within an half hour, we were both ready for bed, and her fever was down SIGNIFICANTLY! it was so nice. she went to sleep, and then i laid in bed thinking about all the horrible things that could happen with a fever. by the time i was ready to fall back asleep, nora was awake again. she needed to snuggle. dad tried for a few minutes, then nora came into bed with us. she slept so well! and she's been doing that for most of the day so far. and i feel like a new person! thank you for the grace...

yesterday, david had nora laughing SO hard! it's on my mom's camera, so as soon as i can get the video, i'll post it. it was so funny... this laugh from the gut! she thought her daddy was so silly and funny! i'll be working on that....

i know this won't be the last fever or sickness, but thanks for listening to my first experience!

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