while david and i went on a date this weekend, nora went to a friend's house and played. they had a great time. it's probably the only time in the foreseeable future that she will be allowed to be in bed with a boy! and, i was told that she had a great time in the jumper, so we will have to be getting one of those!!!
one of my friends watched nora for us, and when we got back, they had bathed their son, fed both kids, put both babies in bed, AND managed to get all of the cute pictures of nora and jeffrey onto a cd for us! it was so fun...
chelsey apologized later for where jeffrey's hand is in some of the photos, but it is cute... he looks at the camera like, can i be doing this.... i've been caught!
so, there it is... another blog with poor punctuation and capitalization! talk to you soon!
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