Hi everyone! It's Nora. In the past, when I've written some blurbs on my blog, I have lacked proper capitalization and punctuation, but I figured that since I turn six months old next Tuesday, it's time to step up and fight against the lack of accountability and casual attitude toward proper writing technique. (Note: My mom's posts probably will continue in their present style, and this is fine- but my dad has been impressing upon me lately the importance of good sentence structure.) Anyway, I just wanted to let you in on some of my random thoughts before I turn 6 months old.
First of all, there are a few things I don't understand. Look, I'm a baby with few needs. I eat, I sleep, I fill up my diaper- everything else is just frosting. So why is it that when I cry, my mom and dad always assume that something is wrong? Really, I am just doing my best to communicate with the limited means at my disposal. So when I cry, just think of it as me singing, or perhaps organizing my thoughts out loud. Just because I can write down all my ideas logically in a blog doesn't make that talking thing any easier. Besides, when I do decide to start talking, you'll know- my first word will be dada.
Second, why is everyone so odd when they talk to me? They talk to each other normally (or mostly normally- I do remember last October when my dad was jumping around and yelling at the TV a lot- something about how the Indians were blowing it...), but when they talk to me their voices get higher and their words become nonsensical. Do they think I will be able to understand them any better if they are goofy? A perfect example of this can be found in my blog videos when my mom and dad talk to me- would they talk like that to their friends or relatives? I think not. My dad has some ideas about why they do this- I think he tried to explain them in a previous blog post, but it didn't make much sense to me. My explanation is that adults are just weird.
Third, why is the NFL's Sunday Ticket TV package where you can watch any game you want only available on DirecTV and not on cable? You've got to be kidding me- you'd think the NFL could make loads more money by releasing it to the American masses, vice that small percentage of American homes with a DirecTV dish. Makes no sense to me- Congress should definitely investigate this instead of mispronouncing baseball players' names, because I'm sure it violates some monopoly or anti-trust laws. OK, sorry- I promise only baby issues from now on, but I just wanted to get that off my chest.
Well, I just wanted to thank my mum-mum and my Auntie Stef (or Coco, as she apparently now wants to be called) for a great time in Florida! My mom and I had a lot of fun, and as you can see from the pictures below, I love sunbathing. Great skill set which I will put to use in Aruba in a couple months. Thanks also to my Grammie and Grandpa Haile, who gave me the 365 days of Bible Stories book. My dad reads them to me every night, and boy does that book taste good! (Sometime soon I will probably also begin to digest the content as well as the binding). Anyway, thanks to all my loyal blog readers out there- you guys are the best!
-Nora Bean