21 July 2013


my little futbol player!

he looks so cute!  (so not what he'll want to hear in 10 years, i am sure!)

so proud of his first soccer camp!

end of the day round up.  nora is in blue and pick in the middle line.

nora kicking a goal!

she was so proud of herself!


more of that...

and goal kicking by james...

he did such a good job!


and more...

more of nora!

and she's down!

back up...


she scores!

we had soccer camp two weeks ago.  and then, i kept forgetting to get my camera out of the car.  the kids did such a great job at soccer camp!!  nora got the "inspire" award on the first day, and we were so proud.  james had told me he would be sick all week and not able to go, but he ended up loving it!  i was so glad.  they both played hard and were exhausted at the end of the hour.  

plus, it gave me an hour to go for a run, and then watch them play!  so much fun for all!!!

i am excited to see what they do in the future with soccer.  since, when i played and they asked me to pass the ball to the person next to me, i picked up the ball and handed it to them!  (see blog post on feeling like a failure!)  anyway...  they HAVE to be better than me, at least!!!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Love the soccer pics/post!!