26 March 2012


friday at the beach...

i love watching my kids play!!

getting ready to stand up paddle board...

okay, so knee-paddle board!

it was crazy windy that day!

the guy said he really shouldn't be letting us out.  

it was QUITE a work out!!!  but, a lot of fun.  and a good way to keep my mind on other things!

so, church on sunday.  nora woke up with her rash worse.  i had been tired and was debating not going at all.  but i will miss the next two weeks.  mom offered to stay home with nora, and i assumed james would stay as well.  chris ate just before i left, then fell asleep, so she kept him, and james begged to go.  it was fun to have just him.  

i got to church and the first passage we read was in matthew about not being anxious or worrying.  the first thing that came to mind when anxiety was mentioned was nora's schooling next year.  more on that in a minute.  during prayer, the pastor mentioned that today was heavy on restlessness and anxiety.  a friend prayed specifically for me to not be anxious about david and his deployment.  and it hit me that i am really not anxious about him being gone.  sad, heartbroken, yes.  but anxious, no.  

i think it comes down to the fact that we believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he's doing what God wants him to be doing.  and he loves what he does.  as sad as he was to leave, he was excited about his job.  this is what he signed up to do.  why he does what he does.  and, if he's in the center of God's will, how on earth would it be better for him to be here?  

back to nora's school.  i forget if i have mentioned on here.  when we started thinking about nora and school next year, we didn't agree.  the debate started between pre-school and kindergarten.  good arguments for both, but we both wanted different things.  so, after discussing and praying, we decided she would go to kindergarten.  then, we looked at schools.  again, we didn't agree.  again, we liked all the options, but had different first choices.  so, after discussing and praying, we decided on a school.  

we applied at the school.  i was the first person in line on registration day for nora's class.  and she is still 9 on the wait list.  so now, we have to decide what to do.  i wanted to talk to david about decisions before he left, because i didn't want to do it over email while he was gone.  

do we apply somewhere else, somewhere without a wait list, so we are sure she gets in somewhere?  and where should that be?  if we apply, how long do we wait?  do i do it now, or in april/may/june?  anxiety inducing.  

when david and i talked about it, he said he would be gone, so come (last) friday, it was my call.  i joked, "you mean, on friday, i can apply to the school i want?"...  and i have given the whole thing a lot of thought this week.  what do we do?  (this being said, i don't think there is a right or wrong answer...)

and sitting in church today, there was just such a peace that came over me.  i am not going to be anxious about it.  i am just going to sit on it for awhile.  i don't know how long, but i am not going to stress about it.  maybe she'll end up at the school with the wait list.  chances are pretty good.  maybe she'll end up at another school.  but God knows, and right now, i am not going to worry.  it was so reassuring!

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