24 March 2012

a mini photo shoot...

sweet boy buried at the beach!

nora and a head...

a buried nora

jamey and a head...

going kayaking!!

man, we look good!

floating out on a raft...

thank you daddy for a wonderful day at the beach!

chilling on the beach...  the same place where we would see daddy's ship disappear off in to the horizon tomorrow (we went to the beach on thurs, ship left on friday...)

playing with dad...

making sand balls...  so meticulously.  it was so cute to watch!

glow sticks in the bath.  it was dark and i used my flash... love their eyes!

still pitch black... good flash!

they want this every night now!!

photo shoot with the baby... trying to capture some of his faces!

telling a story...

furrowed brow...

who me?

smiling!  he's so sweet!!!

reading with dad...

we had a great last day with daddy.  it was such a relaxing and wonderful 24 hours.  we had breakfast, we took the kids to the beach.  i am so thankful that he had everything he needed to done.

today, we had two birthday parties to go to.  and, nora woke up with a rash all over her body.  MAJOR BUMMER!  thankfully, my mom remembered that nora has been on amoxicillin.  so, we went to urgent care.  and, the doctor agreed that it looks like an amoxicillin rash.  he said not a true penicillin allergy (yet), but most doctors won't prescribe her any of the penicillin related drugs any more.  oh, does she look miserable.  poor thing.  but, with it being that, we made it to both of the birthday parties today.  it WORE my kids out!  (that, and the fact that the baby is sleeping better than the older two, who seem to think that waking up before 5am is appropriate!)  they were in bed by 6pm tonight, by their request!

the baby, by the way, is sleeping WONDERFULLY!  he's on a general schedule, and usually up about once a night.  sometimes twice.  it's wonderful!  i haven't been stressing with him (or the other two) right now, since we are leaving the island next week...  hopefully we'll all get on a better schedule when we get back.

day two is almost done.  and it was a good day.  i am almost able to breathe deeply without feeling like i am going to cry!!!  and i am so thankful for the texts/phone calls/emails/PRAYERS!  i feel so loved!  and so thankful that my mom is here.  she has just been wonderful.  i know so many friends don't want any family around right before a deployment, but it was so nice.  we threw the kids at her quite a few times, had dinners made and cleaned up, and then she would disappear.  going to movies, reading in her room, giving us time to ourselves.  it was wonderful.  and it was so nice to have someone to help yesterday when i just wanted to hole up!

and david is doing well...  he is going to be sending me updates for the blog periodically, hopefully one this week.

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