16 March 2011


it's been a funny week. monday we had bounce house and play date. tuesday we had school, a try to get our car registered, a trip to whole foods and then picked up nora from school. i had the chance, twice that day, to talk to some cali friends. it was so much fun to catch up. (well, one i woke up when i accidentally dialed her at 6am her time... SORRY!) today was treehouse/gym, swim lessons (and nora loved turning to me every so often and giving me a thumbs up. she did great!), and a playdate. daddy is working late and we had Bible study. it's been a fun day.

nora and i took a GREAT nap while jamey napped today. it was so much fun. i can't remember the last time we all napped. jamey is getting so big. he is going to be TWO next week. he's starting to say "c" correctly. i am kinda sad that he's growing up. (but happy to see how "big" he is!)

i am watching a tv show as i relax (beds are all cleaned, room wonderfully cleaned, diapers washed and drying, dishes done...) and they are in henry's (a groc in cali). it's making me SAD! i was just talking about that store to someone.

that's all i got for now... oh... jamey keeps asking for "uncle joey", every time he sees a taller man. (he does that with anyone, man or woman, in uniform for daddy...) nora was disobeying today, and he told me, "spank a hiney". nice. david just walked in... time to go!

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