in labor, on the way to the hospital... thanks chels for getting the pic! and what a nice labor it was... i was just reliving it with a friend. i loved being able to do it without the epidural. it was wonderful!
sweet, sleeping baby boy!
i love that "cheese"! and i love that he loves to pose for them!
my sweet jamey baby. i can't really call you that anymore. my sweet jamey boy. you are SUCH a boy. so grown up. so BIG! i can't believe how fast two years has gone. i can't believe the things you say and do! you are such a joy to me. such a charmer to those around (when you aren't throwing temper tantrums...). people who know your whole story will look at you and say, "what a miracle baby". i forget all that we have been through. i forget that they told us at 20 weeks that you would have shortened femurs and have to have surgery at puberty to correct it. and they were wrong. that there were so many uncertainties for varying lengths of time when i was pregnant, and about the details of you. i forget that you had club feet. even though i still put you in your bar every night. i forget what your casts were like. how long the process seemed then, and how fast it went by! i had to retell the orthotics guy the other day, and he was amazed at my memory of it, but it was so long ago! look at how you run and play. constantly moving.
you currently love all this "chars", "buzz" or "bob and larry". you love to crash things. and hold "chards" in your hands. whether it's birthday cards or playing cards. you know what movie you want to watch. and ask for it by (mostly) name. you love to play in the dirt. and run around outside, regardless of the weather. you love your puppy and pac, but will give it up fairly willingly when asked after you wake up. you tell me i am pretty, unprompted! (that might be my favorite!) you bump into me (or anything) on purpose and then say, "oh, sorry". it's so cute!!! your sister can make you laugh your head off. it is the most precious thing in the world to watch. and you can do the same right back to her.
you were 26.5 pounds and 33 inches at the visit last week... i can't believe how much you've grown. you started out at 8 pounds 4 ounces. you think all dogs are named "sadie". you love "apple juuuuuiiiiiiiice", even if it's just water. in your peter pan and pirates camelback bottle. you LOVE your shake and waffles every morning, and will listen for the toaster to ding to tell me, "waffles ready".
you are so big! i forget that you are two. that you are "old enough" to do so much. that you want to be so independent. and have a very made up mind of your own. thanks for being my precious baby boy. thanks for loving to rock and "hold you". for your sweet snuggles and kisses. i am so thankful for you. i am so thankful that you are a wonderful part of our family. my james patrick haile. sweet baby james. jamey-pants!
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