05 April 2010


the best laid plans. so, got up at 7:30 this morning. i should say got out of bed. i had a little girl in my room for a bit before that, but she amused herself with easter eggs (empty). but, at 7:30, i sat up with a start, remembering that i had a doctor's appointment this morning. at 8:45. i wanted to leave between 8 and 8:15. and james was still in bed. and we were all in jammies!

so, i got up while nora played and got ready. then, gave nora unders and she got herself dressed (in princess dress and NEW glass slippers (almost her size that light up) from mom-mom for Easter!!), and i got james ready. fed him and made nora and me our morning shake! cleaned up the backyard so sadie couldn't destroy anything. threw kids in the car, and got there. missing the rain. the door was locked, so i waited a few (i was EARLY!!), and then knocked. the lady looked at me and said "i wasn't expecting a crew like you today"... um, i have two kids, no family in the area, and figured it would be a quick appointment, so didn't want to use up friend points on this quick visit!

come to find out. she wasn't expecting us. period. my doctor was at his OTHER office today. so, took kids back to car. PAID for parking, got over to office. a nice quick visit to tell me that my moles don't look like melanoma! and, kids were a dream. but, just goes to show you... the best laid plans. or, pride goes before a fall!! (i was so proud at being early, being out the door so put together...etc!) oh well... the good news!!! we missed the rain every time we were getting in and out of the car!!! whoo hoo!!!

and then... got home and got to have a nice, LONG chat with a bestie!!! miss those...

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love hearing all about you guys and the kiddos while I'm in Haiti - thanks for doing such a good job updating us all! =) Hope we can catch up when I get back in a week or so. xoxoxo