28 February 2017

Snow Days and Sick Days

A snow day!

Snowball fights! 
Legos on a snow day!

We taught Nora how to make breakfast...  winning!

A date with this kid to "A Night to Shine"...  he was so much fun to be with!

More snowball fights!

This 5 year old!

A dog for protection!


I forgot my hat!  (It was warmer than it looks!)

My love!

We got back from Disney and then had several snow days (we wondered why we didn't just stay gone!).  And then we had February break (J got sick for one day of it), and then we all got sick on Sunday morning.  So no one went to school yesterday.  Finally, everyone else is feeling better today.  I am still on the couch, but sitting up, so that's improvement!

While we all spent Sunday and Monday on the couch, we watched a whole lot of Netflix and other movies.  Pretty much every Disney movie we have!  (Yes, we need a TV detox after this!)  But as we watched the newest "Cinderella", it struck me that so many want to see the strong female lead and take away from the romantic fairy tale.  But this movie does a little of both.  She is brave and kind.  She forgives when she shouldn't, and perseveres when so many might have given in to bitterness and rage.  

At the end of the movie, when she's leaving with the Prince, I so wanted her to turn and rant at the step mother.  But she simply says, "I forgive you".  That is truly what our attitudes should be!  

And yet, I want my daughter to believe so deeply in the fairy tale... a handsome prince who can save her.  (I watched this as my handsome prince did everything around the house while we all laid on the couch!  This time, he was the only one not sick!)  She is strong enough to survive and yet vulnerable enough to be loved and rescued!  I want N to believe in love!  And I want my boys to be somebody's Prince Charming(s).  

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