nora was saying "cheese!!"
saying good-bye to some good friends... we will miss them!!!
the girls.... courtney (or "co-ey", as we know her!!) and kristen (mother to "baby ca-yeb, no hair...")

nora snuggling with mr. andrew!!
leftover from auntie byssa... she let brindie borrow her sunnies
james, too...
we had his 4 month check-up yesterday... he is 16 lbs, 2 oz and 25 inches long. what a big boy. he's in the 75/50th percentiles, respectively! i had to laugh, with maybe a little frustration in my laugh, when i had to teach the resident some things... for example, he couldn't find james' "soft spot". he was all surprised that it had closed. i had to show him that james still had his.... they don't close until MUCH later!!!
however, i loved our "real" doctor! he had actually looked at my child's chart! (and james' x-rays) he knew what was going on with james (i had to tell the resident's that james had club feet.... it's ALL over his chart!) and spent quite a bit of time with me talking about it. he wants us to do a lower back x-ray, to make sure there is nothing from his spine that could have caused the club feet. he does think the x-ray will show absolutely nothing, but just to be sure.
nora... let me tell you about this girl! i think i have mentioned the severe panic that ensues anytime we try to show her a video, in the jungle, on youtube. she previously LOVED it. it's a hippo singing the song! on saturday, david tried to show it to her. (i think he had only heard of her reactions, and was shocked to see how panicked she does actually get!!!) on sunday, nora was chatting in the car, telling us what she learned in the car... "obey God"... and then she started saying "what happened, mommy? why does jungle make nora sad? why the hippo? what happened?" yesterday, she continued along this vein (but won't answer when i ask why it makes her sad), and then started saying "nora is happy now, not sad anymore". but, still no jungle!
then, last night, we got home. i had to make brownies for the party, and james was in the swing. just as i was putting the brownies in the oven, james started getting hungry and a little fussy. nora walked over to him in the swing, got up in his face, and said "it's okay baby james, mommy will be right back. she's just in the kitchen. it's okay baby james!" what a great kid!!!
we move on friday... we move on friday!!!!!
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