david and nora had to run away from the cold waves. nora would only go down so far... and run if the waves came anywhere near her

i let sadie out to go to the bathroom the other day, and this was how i found her when i got back... just lounging on my chair! (as an aside... she doesn't like to be outside when it's cold/wet/rainy... good thing we live in san diego!). nora decided to get daddy's backpack and go play... we finally got a raincoat (thanks mom-mom), and had a reason to wear it!
nora looked cute in her bunnies-by-the-bay jacket! and today, we tried to make a costume out of a paper bag... it lasted long enough to take the picture. then, jeffrey came over to play while his mom ran errands (they played SO well!! and i BEGGED to have him, because we needed distraction!!)
lastly, the video is nora playing... i just loved the sounds she was making. as an aside, she has used sentences a few times... about a week ago, she asked "where dada go?", when he walked out of the room. david said she asked the same thing about me yesterday.
last night, we had friends over with a new baby. i have held him around nora before, but last night, it started waterworks. she just kept looking at me, saying "hold you?" it was so sad!!! pray for us!!!
so, it's been raining. like crazy. so much so that the roof to joann fabrics around the corner caved in and caused major flooding (at least it wasn't my grocery store...) i have been struggling with what you do when it rains for more than one day, and you and the baby have cabin fever (especially since i was stuck inside for a few days with the flu last week). and, all the malls are indoors. and, i am trying NOT to spend money. and, all our friends have the flu. not fun. but, i do have to say, i appreciate the weather! i love that it's 50* and i am always the perfect temp! we did manage to make it to dog beach over the weekend and enjoyed it till the rain came back.
i quit doing jazzercize in the fall. i have a commitment for Bible study two mornings a week, and it just didn't make sense. but, i had heard great things about the wii fit, so i decided i wanted to get that. it's been sold out since then (and we have a dog, do a lot of walking, etc...). the other day, i was in target, and there were several on the shelf! so, we got one. i think david has actually used it more than me! and, he does yoga!!
so, when you turn it on, they do a body test (weight, bmi, balance). the first night, i was 9 wii fit years younger than david!!! i was quite proud of myself... especially because there was nowhere to put that i was pregnant when it measured my weight! but, when you step on the balance board (where it weighs you and you do everything else), the computer goes "ohh...". it's not a fun feeling.
anyway... it's great! you should try it. tonight, david turned it on, and a trainer came on and said "i am filling in for your normal trainer". tell me, seriously, where does a computer trainer go? why would the computer person not be available? i mean, really, it's a video game! how could she be sick/on vacation/day off? i had to laugh!
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